Sunday, June 22, 2008

Workout Log (Weekend 6/21 and 22)

So I think I am more or less over the worst symptoms of giardia but I'm still quite tired and I still have problems getting in a full workout.

Run 6.25 miles (noooo!)
Bike 30 minutes (10+ miles)

Run 38 minutes/3.6 miles
Bike 40 minutes/? miles
Weights 50 minutes (back/bi/legs)

I'm not sure if I'm still recovering from a lack of nutrients/dehydration/general misery or if I have atrophied that much in a week.  Yikes.  

Friday, June 20, 2008

Workout Log 6/20

Running:  38 minutes/3.61 miles
Biking:  40 minutes/13.1 miles
Lifting:  1 hour (full body)

The workout went pretty well all things considered.  I felt pretty peppy and my legs were not tired.  I guess time off does a body good.  I did have slight calf cramping while running but it went away quickly.  I went easy on the legs in lifting so as not to fatigue them.  

Back and buggier than ever

So it has been a week and I do have something exciting, finally.

Last Saturday I woke up with some stomach discomfort but I soldiered on to my regular run.  I could only make it 3 miles before I was exhausted.  I continued to have stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, and major muscle aches.  Turns out I had....giardia.  Contracted from my new dog.  Sweet!  Giardia is an internal parasite, a protozoa.  It is widely known among hikers because the general mode of transmission to the primate types is via drinking water, or rather, from drinking water from streams infected with the buggers.  

Two of my dogs had giardia but seemed to have none of the lovely symptoms I developed that included mad chills, sweating, fever, stomach cramps, splarts, and fatigue. I am still tired and a little questionable in the digestion arena but I'm on flagyl, the same thing as my dogs.  Yup, the family that pills together stays together.  I did make it through a workout today and felt pretty good so I'm hoping this is the tail end of it (no pun intended.)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Training Log 6/12

Running:  7.1 miles/74 minutes
Spinning:  30 minutes/10+ miles
Yoga:  15 minutes

I know, I need some real content in here and to talk about my training--what for, why cause.  I'm working primarily on my running which was really tough today.  I felt pretty logy in the legs.  It may have been yesterday's leg work or the fact that I took TWO extra off days last week.  Bad me.

I did listen to a really remarkable This American Life called The Prosecutor about the trial of a suspected terrorist cell in Detroit, and then the trial of the guy who prosecuted them.  It was deeply troubling.  I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out of TAL while I'm on the 'mill.  Philosophy Bites works for the bike but not the 'mill.  Plus, I'd run out of those in a couple of weeks.  More Podcasts, please.  God help me if I have to run to Morning Joe.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Training Log 6/11

Running:  39:30/3.81 miles
Spinning: 40:30/13.2 miles
Weights (Chest/Tri/Legs):  65 minutes

I swear this will get more interesting.  Soon.  Maybe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fit Log 6/10/08

I'm planning to track my training as a tangible record of training and a way of keeping myself accountable.  I run, spin, and lift right now.  I'd like to eventually ad swimming and road biking soon but that's a goal for another post.

I'm slow and sometimes get into ruts, I know.  

Running:  8.1 miles/84:30
Spinning:  8.0 miles/23 minutes
Stretch:  10 minutes

Tomorrow:  Run, Spin, LIFT.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Intro Post

I decided to start this blog after being very disappointed in the fitness media available for women most of whom focused on the ultimate purpose of exercise being weight loss.  I have, on the other hand, been pleasantly surprised with fitness bloggers online many of whom are kick a** women interested in the joy of fitness.  And bulging biceps.  I will blog about my fitness goals and achievements, gear reviews (I heart gear) and reviews of fitness writing.